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The other day in a sentence

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Sentence count:181+3Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: day after dayyesterdaystereotypeverdicttheorytheologydayin the open
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61. He sent me there the other day to pick up his reading glasses.
62. So this girl says you and your wife stopped in the other day, had a little dispute at the counter.
63. I went to the library the other day to check out some children's books.
64. Dana was in the other day and she looked miserable.
65. I noticed a caption in my local newspaper the other day, identifying a group of high school cheerleaders.
66. I just couldn't keep away from her when I got the chance to escape from Rocamar the other day.
67. By the way, I met up with John Collins the other day and he and I were signing your praises.
68. I had this conversation with Danny Bascombe the other day.
69. The other day, I was going to the video store when this guy backs up his car and almost hits me.
70. When I came across it the other day, I was slightly embarrassed.
71. He made a satisfactory seasonal debut at Newbury the other day.
72. It sounds quite absurd but the other day I walked up the footpath from the road just to see if it was.
73. I could see what he meant when we turned up the other day for evensong at Salisbury Cathedral.
74. The other day he slapped Liam across the face and got mad at me when I complained.
75. He had passed by the very spot only the other day, and it had brought tears to his eyes.
76. I announced such a review at a conference that I addressed the other day.
77. The speed limit on our motorways was reduced the other day, and I give a cheer for that.
78. The other day I went back into the city to walk round some of my old haunts.
79. I was talking to Ursula Andress the other day about toy boys.
80. The pater was saying something to that effect only the other day.
81. The Daily News ran a poll the other day on the things that most annoy the local denizens.
82. Another feller came the other day to get some, too.
83. I heard you both the other day raising your voices, I think you stir him up and lead him on.
84. A casual observer on Van Ness the other day saw even younger adults have difficulty.
85. I saw Hazel Phillips the other day, and she didn't look very healthy.
85. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
86. He might have put up a good show the other day, but that was because he was frightened.
87. I was talking to a woman at the supermarket checkout the other day.
88. We went round Chesmore Zoo the other day and found it fascinating.
89. Yet another rarity turned up the other day and which I illustrate here.
90. You know I did, I was entranced by them the other day.
More similar words: day after dayyesterdaystereotypeverdicttheorytheologydayin the openall daytodayone dayby daytheoreticaltheologicalin accordance withnight and dayday and nightotherbotheranothermothertoothbothothersboothbrothernothingone anotherso thatsmooth
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